What is Zipe it?
We live in the era of online shopping. eCommercing has hit us so hard that when we fall short of something, we tend to look for it ONLINE. "Which website gives us the best price? Which one has the most desirable options?" The eCommerce website that fulfills all these questions will become our final choice. Even the kids today, when in need of something they "ORDER IT ONLINE". So now you would have understood what "Zipe it" is! Yes.. It is a Horizontal eCommerce portal.
Who exactly are we?
ZipeIt draws qualitative products from emerging entrepreneurs that are hidden under the Giant Marketers' Advertising Capacity. We delve into the larger streets for a good buy in every product that are mostly unknown as they don't have a brand labelled. We desire to be an Online Stepping Stone for budding vendors. It is an initiative to make these tiny drops into mighty ocean.
Why Zipe it?
We are all hypnotised by BRAND. We see, we talk, we feel brand labels everywhere. From our toothpaste to cooking essentials, from bathroom cleaner to body clenser, we look for brand everywhere. The familiar names and logos keep drawing our attention. But little did we know that there are better products at better price apart from these branded ones. Probably these products could also be the one we have been hunting for, throughout our lives.
Zipe it zipes together all these products for you. A lot of products you have been looking for is available here at better cost & quality. Now you don't have to get down on the roads to look for such products. Relax! We will bring it to your doorstep at a click.
Where are we?
We are everywhere. A lot of you who stay far from your home town will want something from there. Alas! Distance and time has always been a hinderence. Inspite of knowing a particular product that actually outsmarts the branded ones, we are unable to stretch to it, as it is far from our radius.
We are here to break the Barriers. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, from US to Australia, where ever you are, we will bring to you, the product you desire at your door step.