Hyper acidity
Skin disease
Abdominal pain
Gunmum (gastritis), Kudar Pungal (Peptic ulcer) etc., Thole noigal (skin disease).If taken with ghee, supposed to confer upon golden hue to the skin: also it allays the Kan Pugaichchal (burning sensation of the eyes) & Pithaathikkam (biliousness)If taken with sacred basil juice, biliousness, burning sensation of eyes, phlegm formation as a result of intense fever accompanied by delirium will be relived.
colic, various ailments of stomach, gastritis, peptic ulcers, skin diseases.
if taken with ghee supposed to confer upon golden hue to the sensation of the eyes, biliousness, phlegum formation as a results of intense fever accopanied by delirium will be relived.
100 - 200 mg with ghee ,butter or milk twice daily after food or As directed by physician.
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