A soothing massage after a long day at work can release muscle tension and reverse several hours of slouching at your desk. However, using the right massage oil is essential in order to derive maximum benefits and positive results.
Balaswagandhadi Thailam possesses excellent therapeutic properties that can help you relax your muscles, rejuvenate your senses and be physically ready for the everyday grind. Also, if you are recovering from a debilitating illness, you can benefit from this Ayurvedic oil for muscle strength.
Improved Muscle Strength Balaswagandhadi Thailam can help you regain muscle strength if you are recovering from a debilitating illness. Regularly massaging your body with this restorative oil will help you return to your active lifestyle and feel more positive and energetic.
Relieves fatigue Abhyanga with Kerala Ayurveda Balaswagandhadi Thailam helps reduce fatigue and tiredness. The blend of ingredients such as Bala, Aswagandha, Laksha, and other herbs helps faster recovery after an episode of sickness and infection.
Take the required amount of Thailam in a bowl. Sit comfortably on a non-slippery surface and gently apply over your body. Massage gently in slow, circular motions and let your skin absorb the oil. Let it sit for about 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry. For best results, warm the oil and apply. Place the bowl in warm water for a few minutes until it is comfortably warm. Do a patch test on the wrist to ensure the oil is not too warm and massage the affected areas.
Details provided in the website is only for informational purpose. It is recommended to consult an authorised physician before taking any medicine.
Stay Healthy. Stay Blessed!!
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