Kanchanara gulgulu is a potent herbal tablet that reaches deep into body tissue and roots out pain, swelling and metabolic waste. It has specific action in the region above the shoulder, especially the ear-nose -throat complex. Aided by the natural steroid Guggulusterone , it brings about sustained pain relief and healing.
Inflammation is the underlying cause of morbidity and disease. Ayurveda views inflammation as a pathological derangement of Kapha – Pitta doshas in the body. The offensive dosha element aided by vata vitiates the circulating blood and allied metabolic activities. With time it manifests as various inflammatory conditions of skin, joints and bones.
Restores metabolic function
Vata-kapha dysfunction in the body leads to a sluggish metabolism and loss of function. Kanchanara guggulu is routinely used in the management of lifestyle disorders.
Encourages healing
Draws out deep tissue inflammatory pain and swelling. Stimulates cellular metabolism.
Purges endotoxins
Kanchanara guggulu improves the functioning of liver and kidneys. It revives a sluggish metabolism and expels metabolic toxins from the body.
Specific affinity to the head and neck region
Helps in managing infection and inflammation in the region of throat and ear, surrounding lymph nodes and thyroid dysfunction.
Used in treating goiter (nodules of the neck)
Aidful in treating tumors and extra growths (lipomas, PCOS) useful in wound healing
Used to treat Skin diseases, sinuses, and fistula
Adult: 1-2 tablets twice daily along with a suitable adjuvant, as advised by the Physician.
Child: 1/2 – 1 tablet twice daily along with a suitable adjuvant, as advised by the Physician
Details provided in the website is only for informational purpose. It is recommended to consult an authorised physician before taking any medicine.
Stay Healthy. Stay Blessed!!
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