Excessive sugar levels in the circulating blood is detrimental to all the vital organs. It leads to widespread inflammation and increased oxidative stress in the body. ‘Prameha’ is the Ayurvedic disease pathology that brings about hyperglycemia and associated signs and symptoms like excess thirst, hunger and perspiration.
The management of high blood sugar entails improved circulation, oxygenation and cleansing of the circulatory body fluids. Nisakathakadi kashaya is a combination of 8 drugs that balance the kapha and pitta elements in the body.
Cooling and invigorating combination of Haridra, Amla, Kataka, Paranti, Lodhra, Bhadra, Kiratatikta, and Useera.
Excellent remedy for high levels of circulating blood sugar. All the signs and symptoms associated with hyperglycemia like excessive thirst, hunger, perspiration, and fatigue are effectively managed by this herbal decoction.
Lowers insulin resistance in the body. Helps kick into action a sluggish basal metabolic rate.
Protects the body against diabetic complications like neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy. Arrests progress of already manifest signs and symptoms.
Nishakathakadi kashaya purifies the blood and stimulates circulation. Used in the management of diabetic carbuncles.
Pacification of ‘Pitta’ is the hallmark of this combination of cooling and astringent ingredients. Prevents inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.
Detoxifies and rejuvenates the body fatigued by hyperglycemia.
Take 15 ml twice daily diluted with 60 ml boiled and cooled water before food or as directed by the physician.
Details provided in the website is only for informational purpose. It is recommended to consult an authorised physician before taking any medicine.
Stay Healthy. Stay Blessed!!
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