Hrudya (good for the heart)
Bhrumhana (nourishes the tissues)
Vata Pittaha (good in the vata and pitta predominant conditions)
Shosha (wasting diseases)
Angamarda (body aches)
Urdhwa Shwasa (variety of breathing difficulty)
Kasa hara (cures cough)
‘Kapha dosha’ in its balanced state promotes nourishment, growth and strength of the living body. Vidaryadi kashaya is a classical combination of vata-pacifying drugs which directly impart nourishment and unctuousness to the body. It improves functionality of the gut, facilitates absorption and nourishment.
Take 15 ml twice daily diluted with 60 ml boiled and cooled water before food or as directed by the physician.
Details provided in the website is only for informational purpose. It is recommended to consult an authorised physician before taking any medicine.
Stay Healthy. Stay Blessed!!
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